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Are there any items you will not accept?
- Products larger than 24 inches on their longest side (without express permission)
- Products heavier than 20 lbs (without express permission)
- FBA Removals (without express permission)
- Used products
- Customer Returns
How will you charge me?
- All services are pre-paid.
- The shipping labels and charges for your Amazon bound shipments will go through your Seller Central account. We recommend using Amazon's Partnered Carriers to save on shipping costs. You pay those shipping costs through your Amazon account. For hazmat shipments, or any other shipments that go outside of the partnered carrier, we will invoice you for the incurred shipping costs.
What is the turn around time for prepping?
Turnaround time varies, but most orders are completed within 24-72 business hours. It can take longer during peak periods such as before Prime Day and Q4.
Do you work with international sellers?
Yes, especially if you are purchasing goods in the US and shipping them to our center. We accept international shipments sent to us. We do not broker or process the paperwork involved in importing/exporting goods at this time. We only accept payment in US Dollars.
Do you work with new Amazon Sellers?
Yes. We work with new sellers, but you must have a good understanding of Amazon's processes and requirements. There is a lot to learn before selling on Amazon. We highly recommend at least going through Amazon's free Seller University training available at before getting started. It's rewarding when done right, so don't give up!
Do you accept and ship pallets?
Yes. We accept deliveries between 9am and 4pm, Monday through Friday. We charge a $30 palletizing fee for outbound pallets.
Will you share information about my business?
No. We have a strict confidentiality policy and will not disclose information about you or your buys. We are not Amazon sellers, so you will never have to worry about us trying to compete with you either.
What kind of fire protection do you have?
We have alarms, extinguishers, sprinklers, and insurance. We do not store combustible fuels, solvents, or lithium-ion batteries.
Are my products secure?
Yes. Our warehouse is a secure facility and your items are stored with care. We are also insured and have an alarm system.
What are your terms of service?
You can download our current Wholesale/Private Label Terms of Service when you create your account.